The Angel Series
Wounded Angel
Wing from the Wounded Angel
Prosthetic Angel Wing

The Demon

The People of the Fire
The Charred Child
The Goddess of Fire
Firesinger Maquette

The Caryatid

The Trees

The Tourist Trap

Flaming Chalice

Brick Things

Tourist Trap
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This piece was constructed to participate in Footfalls 1999, a site specific sculpture exhibit held in the small deepwater port of Greenport, NY. A wooden funnel, typical of old style wooden lobster traps, leads to two Adirondack chairs which enjoy a view of the harbor out of a mock Palladian window. A permanent installation is anticipated at the Chamber of Commerce Tourist Information Center on Rte. 25 just before getting into Greenport.
Support for maintenance and materials provided by Environment East, Peconic, NY.

Spruce, Fir, Epoxi, Screws, Nails, and an old Lobster Trap.
8'h, 7'10"w, 12'l

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