Greetings across time and distance
These photos are the first project completed since Louise moved from the dining room table to her own studio space to do mosaics. Another in a series of wild stones partially tamed with a diamond blade grinder and the application of mosaics.
This particular stone is a piece of quartzite which we brought to Long Island from Vermont. There is a strong presence of deep pink striations within the cream color of the quartzite. In cutting the stone I was guided by the form of this pink, and when Louise prepared for the glass installation it occurred to both of us that it would be criminal to obscure the natural color of the stone, so we opted for using clear glass and clear adhesive to bring out the natural color and form. The pink is bordered by a cream colored opaque glass, and the recessed geode-like passage is done in amethyst mirror.
My day-job work on the Richard Serra house has been pushed to a six day week, but last Sunday we opted for a train trip into New York to meet up with son Christopher and take an amble through Central Park and Christo's ephemeral installation, The Gates. Fun, but sort of a one-liner. In person, it's almost an orange cacophony everywhere, but the camera can isolate very beautiful passages.
Our best to all, BSB

Posted by Bennett
at 5:55 PM EST