Dear Friends Scattered Everywhere
My thanks to those who have written this Holiday Season, and especially those who have expressed enjoyment in getting the Letters to the Architect. It is hard not to be saddened by the passing of the architect himself.....but Louise and I still include Bob Harper in our dialog as we pound away in Vermont with hammers. I had thought that with the ending of the construction season back in November, we would get back to producing art, but the construction season has reincarnated itself here in Peconic.
Louise set out to paint the Living and Dining rooms and chose two tone gray, which has worked out as a great background for featuring sculpture in the rooms. The paint job left us with piles of Art Books without a home, so over Thanksgiving I built a shelving structure at the top of the stairs. I have not photographed that yet.
I have cut a number of Vermont rocks in preparation for the continuation of the sculptural mosaic collaborations Louise and I have been doing. She didn't want to work at the dining room table any more, so we took the Middle Room (a.k.a. dump zone), and got the kids to help us empty it out then screwed 3/4 inch plywood over the old flooring and 200 year old joists, and laid linoleum tile. Home Depot special. Had a sheet of 3/4 ply left over, and came up with a design derived from the Vermont kitchen-on-casters. Louise tweaked the layout, and I got it built in two weekends and all the evenings in between. I tried to describe it to my sister, and she requested pix so here they are.
May the Holidays work their festive magic on all our hearts ....love to all...BSB

Posted by Bennett
at 5:56 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 23 December 2004 5:52 PM EST